Bring Outlook 2010 Inbox, Contacts, Calendar, Notes, And Tasks On Desktop

Today I found a very nice plugin called Outlook on the Desktop. I know it’s a very original name. A little word of explanation you can find below:

The application offers transparency, comes with highly-customizable interface, and behavior specific options. You can change height and width of the active window and move it to any position on the desktop.

It sits in system tray, letting you show/hide any available Outlook item quickly. Each item has its own viewing options which can be selected from Outlook Views option.


Lets take a look at the Outlook items it brings on the desktop.


It imitates the default view (selected in Outlook) on the desktop. As mentioned above, you can always change views to fit your needs. You can list down the events, view them in full month (view) mode, or display only active events/appointments.



For Inbox, you can let it know which folder to display. From its system tray menu, click Select Folder to choose one and select Inbox to view the selected folder’s mail items.




There’re four views available for Contacts, you can view them in Phone, Business Card, List and Card format. As the application is fully interactive with Outlook, you can use all the right-click options as well.


Similarly, you can bring up any available item on desktop while on the go. From the Preferences, you change opacity, size and position of current Outlook item’s window.

Outlook on the Destkop Preferences

In our experience, it worked perfectly without any noticeable lags. The 32-bit version supports Outlook 2000-2010, 64-bit is only for Outlook 2010. It runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

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