Bye Google & Bing Analytics

Good news for the privacy concerned people out there. The Anvar IT webhosting & websites have banned Google & Bing analytics, all the websites have been migrated to a local Piwik Analytics site that saves no IP addresses and cleans the logs every 2 months. Piwik shows the same detailed graphs & statistics but unlike Google & Bing it is a local website & I don’t sell your data afterwards or use them for advertising. There is also a opt-out available in the disclaimer or through this link Do Not Track Me & best of all Piwik support the do not track function in your browser.

If you don’t know Piwik, go to their website and if interested join their community.

Blog Add-ons

To make my blog a bit more accessible to everyone, I’ve added a few translate buttons for the most current languages.

There is also a new function beneath every post to share the particular post on social networks, email and etc…

Have fun reading…